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Kim Diaz Holm | Tove, Watercolor, 21st Century Norway
Kim Diaz Holm Den Unge Herr Holm (1980) is an artist and storyteller from Bergen. He has drawn thousands of concert drawings while headbanging, and created covers for bands such as Black Debbath, Abbath, Solstafir, and Vreid. To his more than one million followers on TikTok and Youtube, he draws monsters and tells stories about mythology, mental health, and anarchy.
38 cm wide, 48 cm high, mixed media on art paper.
Kim Diaz Holm | Tove, Watercolor, 21st Century Norway
Kim Diaz Holm Den Unge Herr Holm (1980) is an artist and storyteller from Bergen. He has drawn thousands of concert drawings while headbanging, and created covers for bands such as Black Debbath, Abbath, Solstafir, and Vreid. To his more than one million followers on TikTok and Youtube, he draws monsters and tells stories about mythology, mental health, and anarchy.
38 cm wide, 48 cm high, mixed media on art paper.
machine translation
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